Even though we have done post graduation with first class our education system doesn’t teach us how to send a money order. so we have to ask some postman or someone who got lower academic experience but more practical experience. I have undergone such a situation so that I’m posting the step by step procedure on how to Send Money Order..
Step by step procedure on How to Send Money order:
Buy a money order form at the counter of the post office. A remitter is a person who sends the money order.
Fill in ink the necessary entries adding his signature of thumbs marks at the foot. A form without signature or thumbmark or incomplete in any respect will not be accepted. All entries made in the form must be legible and may be written in English, Hindi or in the language of the state either by the remitter himself of by any one on his behalf. The remitter may write on the coupon any communication he desires to make to the payee. The amount for which a single money order may be issued must not exceed Rs 5000/-
The money order form duly filled in, together with the amount of the money order and commission either in cash or by Cheque be presented at the post office counter.
A receipt will be given for the amount paid by him on account of the money order and commission. Any error or omission in the receipt should be pointed out at once by the remitter otherwise, the Post Office will not be responsible.
After the money is paid to the payee the remitter of money order receives an acknowledgement of payment of the amount of the money order signed by the payee or his authorised agent. If the acknowledgment is not received in a reasonable time, a certificate of payment signed by the Postmaster of the office will be given on application. However, in the case of money orders issued in favor of Government or District, Local or Municipal Boards, the acknowledgment in some cases is retained by the payee who issued a departmental receipt to the remitter direct.
same situation experienced.. Thank u so much… highly benefitted… 🙂 🙂